WaitElementById objIE, "header-account-menu"ĭo While objIE.ReadyState < 4 Or objIE.Busyĭo Until = "complete"ĭo While IsNull(objIE.Document. item("login_email").value = "mypassword" WaitElementById objIE, "regular-login-forms" The same happens on this site (I was trying to post this issue there, but can't login) My account works fine in all other places eg DevOps, Azure Portal. If Not IsNull(("header-account-menu")) Then The 'Pick an account' screen pops up with my account signed in. Keep recurring agendas and notes in dedicated Dropbox folders to keep your team in the loop at all times. Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") submit, since the last one leads to 403 error page for me: Option Explicit Consider the below example having nodes accessibility extended checks and using.