There are some good performances - Jack Lowden's Vaughn and Martin McCann's Marcus are extensions of CVs that for both actors have all sorts of singly-named characters, various roles in things like UWantMe2KillHim? and the titular Survivalist, working together in '71, a Renquist in the Frankenstein Chronicles, a forthcoming Darnley in Mary Queen Of Scots. The scenery is lovely, though if I've read the locations listed in the credits correctly it's mostly rural Dumfries, the furthest North probably still south of Queensferry. Things go wrong in the woods - fatally so - and thereafter their decisions compound their peril. Pharmaceutical impediment for one, impending fatherhood for the other.

Two men travel to the Highlands for a shooting trip, the throaty roar of Marcus' 4x4 paralleled in his bluster, quieter pal Vaughn subdued in part by weight of expectation.